homing: Nikola Tesla’s love for pigeons and telepathy—via Strange Company
‽: more on the interrobang—see previously
stringe-watching: the opposite of binging a series to indulge in the experience
hash mark: the works of artist Ding Yi coinage: TikTok has seen an (irritating) explosion in linguistic novelties to promote niche microtrends—via Miss Cellania
in the aeroplane over the seas: Neutral Milk Hotel covers for the album’s anniversary
castro street: Bruce Baillie films Riverside, California in 1966
one year ago: assorted links to revisit, Tapestry (1971) plus a pioneering hypertext novel
two years ago: the Dread Pirate Roberts plus a geographical challenge
three years ago: the Simpsons’ intro, the feast of St Scholastica, vernacular ceramics, no fly free zones plus profiting from conspiracy
four years ago: more Orange Menace
five years ago: more links to enjoy