Premiering on this day in 1975 on the CBS television network, the thirteenth prime-time animated special based on the Peanuts comic strip, deals with the subject of rejection and heartbreak when Sally first misinterprets Linus’ heart-shaped box of chocolates for his teacher as an overture
for her non-requited affection and our protagonist receiving only one treat, a chalky candy heart with the message “FORGET IT KID!” during the class party—the teacher departing early with her boyfriend. A belated greeting arrives from the Little Red Haired Girl and Charlie Brown gets a regifted card from Violet. Optimistic that these pity Valentines might sustain a trend and he’ll get more next year, but Linus warns his friend not to get his hopes up. The score with the opening theme “Heartburn Waltz” was recorded by Vince Guaraldi’s Orchestra. The card which Sally reads and acted out by Snoopy is the entirety (see also) of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese (№ 43), which opens with “How do I love thee? Let me me count the ways.”
one year ago: USA for Africa’s We are the World (with synchronoptica) plus the zombification of the abandoned internet
seven years ago: pedometers and privacy, Thamesmead Housing Estate plus Aloha Wanderwell
eight years ago: governance per Tweet, assorted links worth revisiting plus Little Englanders
nine years ago: a time-capsule apartment in Chicago, ranking passports plus the game Go
ten years ago: hydrophobic materials plus a superb cartographical collection