to john dillinger and hope he is still alive: William S Burroughs’ Thanksgiving Prayer
sampler-sized: iconic electronic music remixes by year
silent poems: a weird and wondrous, non-WYSIWYG word processor from graphic designer Lavinia Petrache—via Clive Thompson’s Linkfest
blacklisted: Musk publishes names of federal workers he wants to eliminate, a terror-inducing tactic that may force them to resign in lieu of being fired
well, please post the rebuttal—then community notes will take care of the rest: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg explains to Elon Musk how EV charging works
sortes vergilianae: a particular form of bibliomancy drawing random passages from The Aeneid (see also here and here) and other works by Roman poet Virgil
anacyclosis: the rise and fall of civilisation and the undermining of democracy
the nine lives of dr mabuse: avant garde pop band Propaganda celebrate the filmology of the chaotic villain—see previously
pay no attention to that man behind the curtain: a political reading of Wicked
one year ago: the Battle of Versailles (1973—with synchronoptica) plus assorted links worth the revisit
seven years ago: Tom Baker returns as Dr Who plus Trump celebrates Native American Heritage Month
eight years ago: emoluments and more
eleven years ago: the debut of MST3K (1998) plus Germany’s Goldfinger tax-model
twelve years ago: :D for Dรผsseldorf