First introduced to English readership on this day in 1931 in the Shanghai journal China Critic, the alleged Imperial Japanese strategic plan supposedly authored by Baron Tanaka Giichi in 1927 for Emperor Hirohito was summarised with the postulates that:
- In order to take over the world, one must take over Asia
- In order to take over Asia, one must take over China
- In order to take over China, one must take over Manchuria and Mongolia
- Success in conquering China will cause the rest of Eastern Asia and Oceania to surrender

Despite occasional citation in some Chinese school textbooks to this day, most scholarship now regards the memorial (Tanaka Jลsลbun, ็ฐไธญไธๅฅๆ) as inauthentic but a potent anti-Japanese piece of propaganda forged by either the Communist Party or Kuomintang nationalists to forward their own ends but the prevailing consensus during the 1930s and 1940s was that the document was genuine and reflected ambitions of the Imperial government, equated to Hitler’s
Mein Kampf by the West, conflated with real war time slogans like Hakkล ichiu (ๅ
ซ็ดไธๅฎ, “eight crown cords, one roof”—or roughly, “All the world under one roof,” understood as a manifest destiny to unify the eight corners of the planet rather than the sanctioned translation of universal brotherhood) and the plot (the sequential steps often projected out to the conquest of Siberia and the Soviet Union—the Soviets also suspected to have fabricated and leaked the plan to instigate conflicts in that theatre to advance their own interests, establishment of bases in the Pacific and the take over of the United States) of several American propaganda films, like Frank Capra’s War Department commissioned Know
Your Enemy: Japan and the 1945 James Cagney dramatisation
Blood on the Sun exploited the purported document (no original was ever sourced) as a MacGuffin. Scientology founder
L Ron Hubbard, elaborating the conspiracy as the “Tenyaka Memorial” an international effort for global domination devolved to a network of pharmaceutical companies, psychiatrists and banks, believed himself to be personally targeted and cited that persecution as one of the principle drivers of the church and its operations.
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