þjappað vinnuviku: Iceland’s experiment with a shorted working week
dénouement: examining the kishōtenketsu arc of narrative and its structure in world literature
indirect allorecognition: injured comb jellies will fuse with another to allow one to heal—via Clive Thompson’s Linkfest
climate solutions: just a shower thought probably better shared on this website, could we reduce CO₂ concentration by making the atmosphere bigger?
celestial symphony: the icon and ingrained theme from the 1986 Chinese television adaptation of Journey to the West—see previously
oracles of astrampsychus: ancient tools of divantion included drawing lots, bibliomancy and a sort of algorithm—via Strange Company
goonies in space: the latest Star Wars spinoff, Skeleton Crew
denaturalised: Elon Musk could have his US citizenship revoked if it’s confirmed that he lied on his immigration application—via the New Shelton wet/dry
the gaudí of mita: Keisuke Oka’s hand-built tower, the Arimaston Building in east Tokyo
sweethearting: AI-powered facial recognition monitors for suspicious friendliness between customers and staff may be the next phase in retail security theatre