diddly doodly: a live action, 1950s version of The Simpsons in the works

so your property has been banksyed—now what: conserving the artist’s murals and the difference between the studio and the street
unfrosted: Netflix’s Pop-Tarts movie from Jerry Seinfeld
the aethererius society: the London cab driver who became the voice of the Interplanetary Parliament in 1954
the complete mashography: DJ Earworm takes on Taylor Swift
anti-social network: Aaron Sorkin plans a sequel to the Facebook film, blaming the social media giant for the January Sixth Insurrection
one year ago: the Roddenberry Archive, custom game cartridges plus the fired Florida principal gets to visit the David
two years ago: a Martian probe encounters the wreckage of an earlier mission plus viewing tectonic shifts
three years ago: International Dance Day with Colin’s Bear plus deepfake satellite imagery
four years ago: the evacuation of Saigon, the Golden Hat of Schifferstadt, daily constitutionals, zen toast plus assorted links to revisit
five years ago: the inspiration for Thanos’ power glove plus not taking God’s name in vain