Tuesday, 26 December 2023

cut the flowers (11. 216)

Never failing to far exceed expectations and always delivers, DJ Earworm (see previously) releases his annual United States of Pop mashup—which is more of an exercise in triangulation as a third, hybrid song and lyrics emerges from each combination from the catalogue of the top twenty-five most popular hits of the past twelve months.  The Taylor Swift compositions are especially enjoyable but do give the whole album a listen and seek out the 2009 edition—you won’t be disappointed.


one year ago: another MST3K classic,  AI does weird Christmas cards, a gig-worker’s Christmas Carol plus Greek Christmas goblins

two years ago: the Feast of the Holy Family,  a hit from Fine Young Cannibals plus 2021 in photos

three years ago: The Exorcist (1973), assorted links to revisit, psychogeography plus Boxing Day

five years ago: a portrait of a young blogger plus more links to enjoy