Never failing to far exceed expectations and always delivers, DJ Earworm (see previously) releases his annual United States of Pop mashup—which is more of an exercise in triangulation as a third, hybrid song and lyrics emerges from each combination from the catalogue of the top twenty-five most popular hits of the past twelve months. The Taylor Swift compositions are especially enjoyable but do give the whole album a listen and seek out the 2009 edition—you won’t be disappointed.
one year ago: another MST3K classic, AI does weird Christmas cards, a gig-worker’s Christmas Carol plus Greek Christmas goblins
two years ago: the Feast of the Holy Family, a hit from Fine Young Cannibals plus 2021 in photos
three years ago: The Exorcist (1973), assorted links to revisit, psychogeography plus Boxing Day
five years ago: a portrait of a young blogger plus more links to enjoy