the scholar & his cat: a resonant ninth century reflection by Pangur Bรกn

riverwalk: a one kilometre-long museum that undulates with the reservoir it crosses in Shandong province
steelmaster: a 1966 office furniture catalogue
television stone: the unique optical properties of the mineral ulexite
๐️: the Eames Archive open to the public—see previously
vesuvius challenge: a trio of researchers share the honorarium for deciphering charred scrolls from Herculaneum with the help of AI
ombre: Alexander Pope’s card game
one year ago: Facebook’s social engineering experiments plus a ska version of the Tetris theme
two years ago: multiple zoom maps, Computerwelt, Sesame Street light jazz plus assorted links to revisit
three years ago: quotation marks, Zardoz (1974), more links to enjoy, the founding of Liberia, I Ching in melting snow plus barbarian tongues
four years ago: Deciminisation Days, Trump acquitted, classical architecture plus photographer Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore
five years ago: Anguilla independence, the Irish border, dress uniforms plus Orson Welles on creeping intolerance