Sunday, 18 June 2023

extended character set (10. 815)

Having previously demonstrated AI’s understanding of ASCII art, Janelle Shane presents the future of emojis, first requesting an expanded menagerie of animojis then a further interaction of frequently used ones, according to the keyboard (I tried with my own results—in the upper left quadrant with this kind of degraded quality but one could still find meaning in a Rorschach test sort of way.

Shane had more success asking to extend the families of smileys, libations and arrows—see also. Give it a try and let us know what you come up with? 


one year ago: passive and reversible geo-engineering to shade an over-heated planet, Yello (1983), 1980s-style reimagined corporate logos plus peacock butterflies

two years ago: assorted links to revisit plus one dimensional chess 

three years ago: visiting every property on the London version of Monopoly, the Appeal of June 18 (1940) plus more Sesame Street interstitials