Thursday, 28 May 2020

jure uxoris

Buried in the churchyard of the chapel of Saint Peter ad Vincula (in Chains) of the Tower of London, another Royal Peculiar like Westminster Abbey, where she was imprisoned and executed unrepentant with no crime articulated against her, the feast of the martyrdom of the Blessed Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury (*1473 – †1541) is celebrated today—advanced one day as Augustine of Canterbury already occupied the actual date with her estranged son Reginald the last Catholic to hold that office before the split of the Church of England—on the order of Henry VIII.
Niece of kings Edward IV and Richard III, Margaret was one of the few members of the House of the Plantagenet to survive the War of the Rose and though once reduced to poverty was able to restore herself and her immediate family, titled in her own right—the other being Anne Boleyn, Marquess of Pembroke, also executed under the orders of the same. Though having no designs on restoring the dynasty and presenting no real threat to the king’s legitimacy, Margaret was disposed of, ostensibly on the intimation of treason, for being a power and independent individual—not to mention a landed woman of means whose property could be repossessed.