Though not to be characterised as weird or foreign and not exclusive to Austria, the country’s edition of the English daily, the Local, present a nifty summary of some of the ways Austrians ring in the New Year. Special credit, I believe, is due for not shying away from terms like agora- and ochlophobia (the latter being specifically the fear of crowds and not just being exposed and out in the open, fear of the Marktplatz) and molybdomancy (Bleigieรen)—that is, divination by molten lead quickly cooled in water, complete with a description of the fun and an exhaustive Rorschach list of interpretations.
Tuesday 30 December 2014
in der silvester-nacht
catagories: ๐ฆ๐น, ๐ฉ๐ช, ๐, ๐ฏ, ๐ง , food and drink, holidays and observances, language, religion