Wednesday 2 January 2019


On this day in 1959, the Soviet space programme launched the first interplanetary probe known as Luna 1—or with the alternate designation “Dream” above—and although due to a miscalculation on the burn-time of the last stage of the booster rocket, it over-shot its target, the Moon, but still in the process became the first spacecraft to escape Earth orbit.
The probe was able to take pioneering measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field (and the cosmic rays it protects the Earth from) and flying-by at a distance of some six-thousand kilometres was able to detect the absence of one on our satellite. In transit, the probe released a trail of sodium gas and scintillated like the tail of a comet and was to ultimately crash land on the lunar surface and release two metallic pennants and coat of arms of the Soviet Union on 4 January but veered off course (Luna 2 accomplished this mission of planting a flag in September of the same year) and remains in heliocentric orbit (along with some later cosmic interlopers) between Earth and Mars, designated according to the minor planet naming-convention, like Ultima Thule, as 1959 Mu 1.

we will control the horizontal. we will control the vertical.

Via Boing Boing, shake your head slightly—as if signalling no (or affirmation in some parts of Greece and the Balkans) to reveal a hidden image in the seemingly uniform bars plus a brilliant tutorial on how to make one’s own with any image. Perhaps a clever engineer could using this method—which is a variation on the Bezold effect in gradated contrast, slip in a secret subliminal message into one of the sections of picket fence steel slats of Trump’s Border Wall.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

i’m a shooting star, leaping through the sky—like a tiger defying the laws of gravity

Barring any unexpected interference, the space probe New Horizons—already having accomplished the incredible feat of beaming back imagery of distant Pluto—had completed an encore mission in the small hours of New Year’s Day by venturing to the outer reaches of the Solar System to explore a minor planet in the Kuiper Belt.
Incredibly (486958) 2014 MU₆₉ nicknamed Ultima Thule (something beyond the known world) was only discovered nine years after the mission was launched and after the encounter with Pluto and course was corrected afterwards to afford the chance for another fly-by as it prepares to leave the bounds of the Solar System and join the Voyager probes in interstellar space. No one is quite sure what to expect on this icy world, but after being approached by the chief scientist behind the mission, Queen guitarist and noted astrophysicist Brian May composed a single about the voyage and discover to help us while away the time, with the signals taking upwards of six hours to reach the Earth, even traveling at the speed of light.

uncanny cruiser

Via the always intriguing Things magazine, while we are still trying to adapt to and come to terms with the idea of wholly convincing composite people generated by a neural network enforced through machine-learning, we discover a slightly less menacing though disorientating all the same nuance with hypothetical motor vehicles (relatedly) that only exist virtually and are the product of robot day-dreams. At the same time this roadworthy experiment was being conducted, the neural network tried its hand at a dataset of images of hotel, bed-and-breakfast rooms to create the ideal, average guest accommodations—mostly bedspreads and mountains of pillows. The programme is still learning and we are not sure of the parameters but perhaps once this algorithm gets fantastic coaches right, it will be able to engineer concept vehicles that surpass passenger expectations. Much more to consider and to explore at the links above.

was this trip really necessary?

While piloting a programme for commercial flights without single-use plastics on board might seem gimmicky and greenwashing, it is nonetheless a step in the right direction and unless we want to face the ethical problems that travel and tourism present without some ammunition in our moral quiver—begging questions like the one above—we’ve got to demand better more sustainable options when it comes to holiday-making, otherwise decisions will be made for us. Every locale with a tour operations running, boating excursions, snorkelling, photographic safaris, etc. or even restaurants and hoteliers that cater to outside visitors, ought to be mandated to use the most energy-efficient, zero-polluting means of transportation and logistics available with help from local governments.
What do you think? Would you pay a bit extra to site-see knowing that your presence didn’t deprive another of the same quality experience later on? After all, every little bit helps and we got here due to laziness and cutting corners multiplied billions of times. While progress towards cleaner and more efficient modes of transportation and daily living should not fall further behind in the private sector, governments should first place a premium on tourists to subsidise adopting new technologies and cycling out old, dirty motors for less intrusive electric ones.