Saturday 8 April 2017


One automobile manufacturer is producing licensing a bassinet (not pictured) that ingeniously virtually reproduces the experience of a car ride that many new parents swear by. Unfortunately, this crib—which makes muffled engine noises and gently jostles its passenger and even will replicate a desired route’s pace and twists and turns—is for now only available in infant sizes because I can also attest that riding in the car can lull me to sleep. When an actual drive around the block is not feasible, however, I suspect that make-believe is still the better alternative.

Friday 7 April 2017


littoral: the Inuit use these maps carved out of driftwood to navigate the coast

библиотека: a gallery of remarkable libraries of Eastern Europe

special sauce, lettuce, cheese: stratified recipe cards from Zing Zhang, via the always fabulous Nag on the Lake

shortlist, shoreditch: a selection of the finalists for a UK Brexit passport redesign

duchenne smile: earbuds that are controlled with facial expressions

crispr: octopi and their relatives can edit their own genes at will

no, i am spartacus

As Dear Leader is launching yet another disastrous and deadly public-relations stunt in order to deflect attention from his rank, unhinged incompetence, there comes news that his regime is moving to pressure his mouthpiece of choice to unmask the identities of the US civil servants behind anonymous social media accounts critical of his stewardship (or lack thereof). So far the social media network is resisting calls to reveal the names of administrators behind alt- and rogue agency web presences and has rebuffed repeated summonses but we’ve been treated multiple times to Dear Leader’s relentless bullying and hope the network has the stamina to not be browbeaten.

Thursday 6 April 2017

well played, democrats or meals and incidentals

As an official inquiry into the costs of the flying circus that is Dear Leader’s insistence on receiving dignitaries at his southern White House franchise and being a geographical bachelor (apparently, but at least Number One Daughter is close at hand) is being conducted, a committee of concerned congress members have been a bit more creative in naming their legislation than what’s been trialled of late.
“Making Access Records Available to Lead American Government Openness” Act forms the initialism MAR-A-LAGO. It makes me think of that anecdote that Anthony Bouvier told Suzanne Sugarbaker about the domestic helper that introduced himself to the family that he served with his name but added that they could refer to him “by my initials.” Among other things, the act would require that Dear Leader’s regime to disclose the names not only of those who have access him and his viceroy in Washington—where there’s a visitors’ log, but also at his various properties, where there’s currently no accountability. Dear Leader surely prefers it that way and would like to keep conducting official business way beyond the Beltway.

tool kami

There is a Japanese folk tradition that holds after a century of service that tools or artefacts either acquire or are possessed by a soul. Conflicting narratives of the nature of tsukumogami (付喪神) encourage some householders to divest themselves of older objects before they attain the critical age due to accounts that their well-worn implements will become haunted by mischievous spirits but most have softened their suspicions and have come to cherish antiques. With an animated, enchanted sake jar, clock, gong and various musical instruments among the cast of identified tsukumogami, the tradition can been seen reflected in more contemporary portrayals as in the Beauty and the Beast franchise with Lumière, Cogsworth and Missus Pots.

el muro fronterizo

Just as bidding closes NPR presents a gallery of some of the design proposals for Dear Leader’s great wall submitted by construction companies eager to build the barrier that will divide the US from México for the Customs and Border Protection agency. Plans range from soul-crushing to absolutely utopian lampoon.