Monday, 2 September 2024

8x8 (11. 811)

two minutes of hate: Trump stokes more violence against the press at his rallies, hosted at former/current sundown towns  

don’t ask, don’t tell: Poseidon’s Underworld reviews the 1969 film The Gay Deceivers about two straight men’s attempts to avoid conscription  

crate digging: one individual’s project to rescue forgotten songs from oblivion by persuading labels to release them online—via tmn

bündis sahra wagenknecht: populist parties from both ends of the political spectrum gain support in Thüringen and Sachsen and may need to work together as no other is willing to caucus with Alternative für Deutschland—see more, see previously  

big rigs: electric-powered excavators and other heavy machinery convincing more industries to de-carbonise—via Damn Interesting’s Curated Links 

the treaty of aigun: Taiwanese president Lai says if China was concerned over territorially integrity, it should begin with Outer Manchuria ceded to the Russian Empire in 1858, including what’s now known as Vladivostok (海参崴, Sea Cucumber Bay)  

dumpster diving: the modern archeology of trash  

choose your gear: the evolution of the action movie poster and how it reflects our view of masculinity  

ultra vires: season two of Rachel Maddow’s series (previously) on the history of assault on democracy profiles senator Joseph McCarthy’s beginnings as a Nazi apologist—well before the Red Scare