Thursday 18 April 2024

yub-yub (11. 497)

Having a distinct and confused memory of the redacted Ewoks on the reverse of Kenner’s action figure packaging teased ahead of the release of The Revenge of the Jedi—though I think I had acquired Chief Chirpa and shaman Logray after seeing the the third instalment (and have a stack of these cards packed away somewhere)—I could really appreciate the depth of this cultural reference, courtesy of Super Punch (thanks for mining Xwitter on all our behalves), of artist Kyle Drayton’s homage with these custom creations. Despite vocal detractors claiming the denizens of the moon of Endor were included as a pandering appeal to children, director George Lucas in part based the guerrilla fighters, between the hapless Gamorrean guard Guard and Admiral Akbar, off of the Viet Cong and Taliban who resisted the US and Soviets respectively and has been employed as a derogatory designation for allies regarded as primitive.