Tuesday 16 January 2024

lighthouse customer (11. 274)

Whilst not exactly synonymous, most alternatives to the designation of lighthouse in other languages come with deference to the Pharos of Alexandria, the hundred metre tall structure, unsurpassed for centuries and advertised as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, as phare, faro, farol, фара and so on, and perhaps not exactly to purpose, we were pleased to learn of the term obeliscolychny as a substitute (we alway try to play by Just a Minute rules, with no repetition, hesitation or deviation*). Coined by the sixteenth century bon vivant and academic François Rabelais (see also here) from the Greek ὀβελισκολύχνιον for a spit used as a lamp-stand, the obscure word is also employed by playwright Alfred Jarre.