caput apri defero, reddens laudes domino: an annual procession dating back to the fourteenth century that marks the beginning of Christmas season in London

settled law: a carol to reaffirm that Die Hard is in fact a Christmas movie
pocket universe: scientists in Germany re-create the Cosmos in a test tube to tweak the laws of physics for this primordial simulation
pilea peperomiodes: the Chinese money plant goes by another common name for good reasons
such fun: noun and adjectival usage of the intensifier on either side of the Atlantic
anthrobots: researchers have created tiny, living robots from human cells that could one day patrol for diseases and repair damaged tissue
there used to be a house at 6114 california street: a interview at home with Anton LaVey in 1967—see previously—via r/Obscure Media
coquito ho ho: a guide to festive variations on classic cocktails