Thursday 2 March 2023

képzelt riport egy amerikai popfesztiválról (10. 581)

Set in Montana but giving a fictionalised recounting of the Altamont Free Concert, the musical by Gábor Presser, Anna Adamis and Sándor Pós—based on the novel of the same name by Tibor Déry—An Imaginary Report on an American Rock Festival premiered in Budapest on this day in 1973. The production team portrayed the plot of a young Hungarian couple that defected to the West with themes violating taboo subjects of homosexuality, illicit drug use and the war and the Holocaust to the Department for Agitation and Propaganda as a criticism of hippie culture and were granted permission to go on with the show. Resonant among its target audience, many musical numbers became hits and the musical (see also) toured throughout Eastern Europe.