synthetic cubism: an exhibition of the cut paper figures of Pablo Picasso, a medium rarely shown—via Messy Nessy Chic
set in stone: a tutorial on reading ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs
spa-day: new research suggests that Christian modesty (see previously) may not have been the cause in the decline of public bathingcarbon capture: Microsoft-backed start-up is using limestone powder to pull CO2 (previously here, here and here) out of the atmosphere
illuminated addresses: a graphic design studio rediscovered in Manchester that pre-dates the traditional 1922 beginning of commercial arts
щедрий вечiр: a Ukrainian choir performs Carol of the Bells (see previously) a century after it debuted at Carnegie Hall
varly’s swiftwater café: a fish and chips in operation for two decades in remote Whittier, Alaska—a small village in one building
picassanta: annual tradition of giving a village phone kiosk a makeover, reminiscent of Guernica for this fractious year