Thursday, 11 June 2020


Provocatively and with more than a wink-and-a-nod to his racist elements in his camp—which honestly cannot be less than one hundred percent of them at this point—the reelection committee announced that Trump’s rallies are to resume not only prematurely and putting thousands (and untold numbers more through secondary infections, making his supporters some sort of buffoonish bio-weapons) with an event in Tulsa, Oklahoma on 19 June, falling on the day America commemorates the emancipation and the manumission of formerly enslaved individuals.
The proclamation was announced by Lincoln on New Year’s Day 1863 but very belatedly delivered to the affected communites in Texas in early summer of 1865. The venue is especially cruel and divisive as the it was also the site of the Greenwood Massacre and race riots, taking place between 31 May and 1 June 1921, when a mob jealous white residents attacked the affluent and prominent business district—which was known as the Black Wall Street. On the pretext of an alleged assault of a young white woman by a black entrepreneur, a violent spree of murder, looting and arson ensued, destroying the neighbourhood. No one was compensated for their losses and the rioters and killers, rather than being brought to justice, were allowed to appropriate and rehabilitate the property and the city was able for the most part to omit these atrocities and apartheid from its history for decades. A park and monument dedicated to truth and reconciliation is in view of the convention centre.