horsefly stretches so much time: learning French with these near homonyms that sound like (near) idioms, you know—taon temps tant tends
the lord hardened pharaoh’s heart: as scary as “murder hornets” sound, if they destroy the bees, US agriculture will be in shambles
making muppets: Jim Henson presents a tutorial on creating one’s own puppets in 1969, shortly before the debut of Sesame Street
jukebox: a neural network that’s getting quite good at imitating musical genres and syndicating wholly artificial songs, via Memo of the Air
plastique fantastique: these face shields from Isphere have a certain Avengers’ spy-vibe
do not make me fight you: reminiscent of this montage, stunt choreographer Zoรซ Bell takes on Hollywood
headspace: cranial collages from Edwige Massart and Xavier Wynn
catamaran: this floating shelter in Amsterdam, de Poezenboot, finds new forever homes for our feline friends
www: this was the internet we were promised—why did it take the collapse of civilisation to bring it?