Sunday 9 April 2017


LiveJournal (LJ) or in Russian Живой Журнал (Zhe Zhe) as it’s known is a blogging platform with some social media add-ons like creating forums and inviting friends (the English word is employed rather than the term droog, друг) that was created in 1999 and quietly acquired by a Moscow-based international on-line media conglomerate nearly a decade ago.
Having completed the process of relocating its servers to Russia just this month, the service is announcing that its content policies (a reminder that these hosts are private companies and not public institutions) must be aligned with the law of the land, including the protection of minors by supressing discussions or acknowledgement of sexual deviancy—that is, gay propaganda. Many who had been using the platform form for decades were caught off guard and (those with the luxury) are migrating their blogs elsewhere.