Monday, 16 January 2017

foot-lights, foot-soldiers

The world of stage theatre is joining myriad other organisations in solidarity and protest that the inauguration of the president-elect at the close of this week does not herald in an era of greater oppression for those already marginalised and vulnerable.
Various troupes have come together and call the project Ghost Light after the convention of leaving a lone bulb burning centre-stage of an empty theatre. Aside from its obvious practical role of preventing a body stumbling into the orchestra pit of a darkened hall and its symbolic safety-net, there are other bits of lore associated with the ghost light—respect for those departed players that haunt theatres and even a spotlight for the performances of astral-actors, accounting for why theatres are traditionally closed one day out of the week. How will you mark this occasion? Not all of us have such overpowering and resonating voices, but we can all do something to speak for those threatened with silence or the wrong idea of help so they know they aren’t standing alone.