Thursday, 10 November 2016

alt-right or barrel of deplorables

Here’s a brief biographical look of some of the freshly be(k)nighted members of European Alt-Right, coming soon to an election near you—you know, so you can avoid awkward encounters at parties. Thankfully, most have a day-job to fall back on—since idle hands... With the exception of the do-over election in Austria, this dossier only introduces those without some tenuous claim to authority.

Frauke Petry, chemist and chairwoman for Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, founded 4 July 2015.

Lutz Bachmann, advertising executive from Dresden and founder of the PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident) October 2014.

Marine Le Pen, attorney and French politician and president of Front National, October 1972.

Albert Rรถsti, political consultant and national chairman of the Swiss People’s Party, founded September 1971.

Geert Wilders, Dutch founder and leader of the Party for Freedom, February 2006.

Matteo Salvini, Italian journalist and leader of separatist movement Lega Nord, founded in January 1991.

Norbert Hofer, contested president of Austria and member of the Freedom Party (FPร–), founded April 1956.