Saturday, 26 December 2015

silk road or moshi moshi

Just to demonstrate that the Priory of Sion and associates do not have a controlling monopoly on the troupe of Jesus surviving (erm—or rather, skipping out on that whole ordeal) the Crucifixion and to later die in advanced old age after raising a family, Atlas Obscura explores an unlikely final resting place in a remote fishing village of Shingล/Aomori in northwest Japan that boasts the tomb of Christ—plus an adjacent burial mound with the ear of Jesus’ brother and a lock of hair of the Virgin Mary. There being no established account of Jesus’ adolescence, one creative gospel tells that Jesus sojourned to Japan for further instructions on the divine and returned to Israel to spread His message. Once realising that the message was not quiet resonate with the powers that be, Jesus’ brother (half-brother, I suppose) called Isukiri volunteered to be crucified in Jesus’ place...
Not that it is any less non-canonical, I think that name signifies “Jesus-brother” rather than a specific individual, and after all Jesus is really named Immanuel, God is with us. Fleeing the Holy Land, Jesus returned to Japan, carrying the only two relics that could be salvaged, a lock of His mother’s hair and Isukiri’s dismembered ear, to retire and become a rice-farmer. The family that claims descent from the Messiah are devout Buddhists.