Wednesday 3 July 2013

administratively embargoed or not the droids you're looking for

I never thought that civilised nations would ever again, at least until the environment cannot sustain the world's population and resources run out, bicker by any means other than by proxy—preferring to leave the bully-pulpit to business and industry lobbies to statecraft or open aggression, countries in thrall to corporate interests like colonies to the metropolitans of ages past—but I think that some secret-sharing (and not martyrdom) has really revitalised all those antics of the Cold War.

Not only is the scale of recontouring similar, guilt by association hyperactive, but also the response and psychology. Regardless of the details, the perception of refusing the private jet of a Head of State passage because of political sympathies without consenting to a search has the chill of mistrust. Besides any fugitives would be hiding under a false panel in the floor, like when the Millennium Falcon was captured and brought aboard the Death Star and the droids were the only passengers that the Storm Troopers could find. Likewise at the beginning of the saga, they didn't fire on the escape pod carrying C3PO and R2D2, thankfully, because no vital signs were detected, one would have thought the Empire might have learnt from its mistakes. Meanwhile, embassies all over the world are turning over sofa cushions, like for a frantic search for loose change, and finding bugging devices. France and other members are calling to postpone United States and European Union accession to trade agreements over these on-going revelations—especially considering business-intelligence has been kidnapped in trust too. Among the scatter-shot of applications for asylum, this stateless fugitive has been rebuffed by the EU for the most part, refusing to grant him sanctuary—until or unless it can be accomplished through regular channels. Though this stance has courted public displeasure and disbelief, it's probably a strategic decision—not face-saving or not wanting to accept the liability neither—but realising full-well that such an arrangement would quickly become unsustainable and such persons-of-interests have other, better safe-havens.