Thursday 28 January 2010


Bad Karma, our fair city, made a unenviable appearance on the national news as part of Siemens' announcement to cut some 2000 production jobs in Germany.  About 850 of those will come from our local plant and sent to a facility in the Czech Republic.  Siemens is not the only comparable, industrial, technical employer here but it will have a huge impact.  American Woman, stay away from me--just let me be.  I have fortuneately not heard of this happening much yet--only when redundant government positions are eliminated (through atrition) when the country unites or when US military bases are mothballed.  A colleague, however, predicted we would be seeing this kind of job flight in response to the bad economy about a year after it began in the States.  My former village, Wicked-Awesome-Heim, was also in the following traffic report--a truck had jack-knifed in the driven snow on the stretch of road running parallel to the village walls.  Fortuneately, no one was hurt.