Monday 27 July 2020


Thanks to expanded cabinet of curiosities of our faithful chronicler, we not only pick up a bit new of vocabulary to add to our quiver, we also learn that among other projects mellowing at Oxford English Dictionary’s laboratory there is a growing compilation of non-words (see also)—submissions that did not quite make the cut for inclusion under one criteria or another.
The titular term is one file kept in a rather clandestine and unpublished repository of words that may yet see the light of day—like the spork and skort or freegan and locavor that’s now in common-parlance—refers to the overuse of a word or phrase that has recently been acquired into the speaker’s own range. Other failed words of note include polkadodge, the dance that two people engage in when trying to pass one another but move in the same direction, or from circa 1993, a vidiot, a term to describe someone inept at programming a VCR. The entire list, however, remains a guarded secret. I am not privy to the terms etymology of course but reminds me of the overwhelming and parroted amount of times the phrase “done and dusted” came up in the media a few years back.