Friday 4 May 2018

pickett & prueher

Hyperallergic profiles an absurdist duo that go by the stage names Chop and Steele (depending on the venue and the “talent” they’re hoping to showcase, I guess) who’ve been booked as an act, cooking segment or otherwise subject matter experts by a large number of local and regional stations eager to fill programming time for mid-morning television.
Often understaffed and under-funded, local outlets have grown desperate for content and the fact that the two, who are also hosting and curating a Found Footage Festival of other questionable on-air guests, and have pretty lax vetting standards and many times fail to do the requisite research. What do you think? I have sympathy for some of the unsuspecting anchors but maybe the local news channel ought to be pranked and pirated to teach them the lesson that quality costs a little extra effort.