Tuesday 16 October 2012

botany bay

Boing Boing, the directory of wonderment and righteous transparency, reports on a leaked letter of instruction from the American cabal of internet service providers to their subscribers, customer-base, which makes clear in no uncertain terms that habitual copyright infringers will have the array of popular, possibly with stultifying results, social networks disconnected until the offenders (determined by the companies themselves, I am sure, who are, for the most part, subsidiaries of the film and recording industry) complete a reeducation regiment to teach people to respect intellectual property. Apparently, this new policy will come into effect during the height of the holiday season in the States, with other providers sure to follow suit quickly with litigious brinksmanship, when people are not at all distracted and have a laser-like focus on the small-print. Incorrigibles, I’m sure will be marched to their local penal colony after shopping on Black Friday.