Sunday 30 September 2018

earth, wind & fire

It escapes me how so many of us missed the twenty-first night of and are now rushing to remember the eponymous 1978 hit on the last day thereof but here is a medley (of two) of homages for your enjoyment. First listen to the musical styling, courtesy of Laughing Squid, of Leonid and Friends perform a fantastic cover of the song with the accompaniment of a string and horn section. Afterward, while the tune is stuck in your head, mediate on these couplets of rejected lyrics from McSweeney’s contributor Gary M Almeter. “Ba de ya—Chrissie Hynde is a Pretender.”

rent gap and rehabilitation

Via the always brilliant Nag on the Lake, we are invited to play an unauthorised edition of the board game Monopoly whose rules and scoring invoke the spirit of the original version of “The Landlord’s Game” far better than the Parker Brothers’ interpretation or regional variants.
The art collective Chinatown Soup’s Chinatown edition features anchoring shops and local businesses rather than more or less desirable properties for development and poses challenges to players to save neighbourhoods from the blight of gentrification rather than be rewarded for it as a virtue and promotes socially responsible growth. One has to rehouse, for example, displaced residents priced-out of their homes—another reason that the board is not given addresses owing to the amorphous nature of gentrification that’s not bounded by certain streets or districts and people are moved to the margins. Learn more about the collective’s activities and activism at the link above.

w1a 1aa

On this day in 1967, the BBC rebranded its Home Service as Radio 4, differentiated the Light Programme into popular music and entertainment, becoming Radio 1 and Radio 2 and made its Third Programme, an arts and culture show, Radio 3. The reorganisation was prompted by increasing competition from continental broadcasts and offered a broader array of programming throughout the day within its constellation of stations. 




Yesterday H prepared a fantastic mushroom and pasta dish with what’s called Kräterseitlingen (Pleurotus eryngii, le trumpet royale—elevate your minds!) as the main ingredient—the one in the background, not the psychotropic fly agaric in the foreground—and it turned out to be uniquely flavourful and relatively simple to make.

To serve four, one needs:
250 grams (9 ounces) of band noodles (fresh or dry)
250 grams (9 ounces, three large mushrooms) of King Trumpet mushrooms or substitute button mushrooms or chanterelles (Pfifferlinge)
2 teaspoons of butter
1 container of Crรจme Chantilly (unsweetened whipped cream, Schlagsahne) for texture
1 tablespoon of vegetable broth
A sprig of parsley
A clove of garlic
A large leek (Lauch) or onion
Salt and pepper to season

Begin preparing the pasta according to the instructions, boiling it in slightly salted water. Meanwhile dice the leek, garlic and mushroom, finely chopping the parsley. Braise the garlic and leek slices in a frying pan in the butter until the leeks turn glassy. Introduce the mushrooms and turn until lightly brown. Mix in the crรจme and broth and top with parsley over the pasta.