Thursday 9 June 2011

for a gin and for a snare

With all the negative publicity that the lowly cucumber has been unfairly the brunt of and all the vegetable kingdom round, one might take the time to appreciate the idea of the garnish. It is surely shunned and revialed now, like a dental-retainer on the dinner table or some old chewing gum underneath it with the E. Coli epidemic still unsettled. This old Scottish bootleg distiller, Hendricks' (for what self-respecting and storied blender of Scotch would own up to a gin-joint on the side), makes its gin in an atmosphere of old roses and cucumbers, with a lot recipes to boot.  Besides, the alcohol would kill any stray germs.    Their website--and a good drink is not something that can just be beamed over the Internets--has a host of clever animations--reminiscent, I think, of Monty Python or Jib Jab, trivia, and oddities perfect for roquefort cheese.

grading on the curve or chatham house rules

The excellent curators at BoingBoing point our attention to a piece in the UK Guardian about credibility, reliable sources, and appropriate disdain- and skepticism-response. Whether or not readers share the estimate of newsworthiness, ascribe to the same crypto-ideology, still inviting an open discussion about the nature of journalism and whatever it has atrophied into--propaganda, social engineering, decoy--elevates any subject. There are no easy answers for the role of media and where the divide is between duty to report, duty to educate and sensationalism and indoctrination. The completely objective does not raise armies but trawling and anonymity, though seductive, demand, too, that the reader consider the source. Self-promotion should be vetted in the same way and is mostly harmless, and ought to be afforded the same opportunity and protection as undisclosed tipsters, ventors and activists, just as long as it is not presented dishonestly. That last standard, however, is very challenging to enforce and apply.

Die hervorragenden Kustos von BoingBoing zeigen einen Artikel vom Guardian des UKs über die journalistische Integrität und angemessene Leser-Skepsis (Schadenfreude). Egal ob die Leser teilen dieselbe Meinung oder nicht , über die neuartige Natur des Journalismus sprechend, erhebt das Thema. Die Verantwortung der Medien ist schwierig zu bestimmen. Was trennt Berichtspflichten von der Sensationshascherei oder Indoktrinierung? Neutralen Berichterstattung keine Anhänger gewinnen, und verführerische Geschichten sollten mit Vorsicht anzuwenden sind. Selbstdarstellerdrang sollte auf gleiche Weise untersucht werden. Tippfreunde, Nörgler und Aktivisten wird mit dem Standardverfahren behandelt, sofern sie nicht als die Wahrheit getarnt. Diese letzte Voraussetzung ist für alle eine Herausforderung zu durchsetzen.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

hate something, change something

The Huffington Post has put out a nice editorial piece that is a profile in account-ability and sobering recognition that it is us (all of us) that is plotting to murderlize the goose-that-laid-the-golden-egg. Desperate American and global economic reports are becoming undeniable and compel solutions--and perhaps inviting everyone to join the dialogue, instead of just those boxed into a corner already and the prophets of doom that will realize some revenue from the downfall itself. The article brings up the subject of sunk costs (spilt-milk) and the search for blame and cause in the housing crisis is a distraction. Joblessness is a much more immediate peril than diminishing resale value, projected and estimated worth--and more Americans are falling on tough times because of bleak employment opportunities. There is a lot of suffering and the government is not being a very good advocate by looking backwards. Ways to move forward would include regulatory reform, massive public-works projects, and equitable taxation. One other aspect, however, that is not being loudly discussed is amnesty and forgiveness. No business wants to sacrifice bad debt and defaults willing, but the drive to collect on everything owed, either predatorily or unwisely committed to, and lay claims to already saturated industries is putting too much pressure on the goose.

Das Huffington Post hat ein nettes Heraus-geberstück (auf englisch) ausgestellt, das ein Profil in der Verantwort-lichkeit und ernüchternder Anerkennung ist: uns selbst (wir alle) hatte, der die Huhn, die goldene Eier legt, geschlachtet. Verzweifelte amerikanische und globale Wirtschaftsberichte werden unleugbar und fordern Lösungen. Vielleicht lädt diese Aufmerksamkeit jeden ein sich anzuschließen. Vielleicht jetzt wird das Gespräch auf Profitmacher nicht eingeschränkt. Die Suche nach Schuld in der US-Immobilienkrise wird verlorene Aufwendungen. Wertvermehrung ist weniger wichtig als Erwerbsarbeit. Es gibt viel Leiden, und die Regierung ist unverantwortlich, indem sie immer nur zurückblicken. Reform-Dialog, öffentlichen Aufträgen, und Steuerreform kann wegweisend sein. Zusätzlich gibt es die Idee von der Amnestie und Schuldenerlasse. Keine Gesellschaft will einen Gewinn verpassen, aber Gier tötet das Huhn.

Tuesday 7 June 2011


While talking with my mother about the presentation of the US Freedom Medal to the German Chancellor, she told me about a civil and interesting web site she found, that has full-coverage and much more flattering pictures of Merkel and news stories and movements not circulated elsewhere called the Obama Diary. The moderators ask that one not enter with negativity and awful, unhelpful partisanship, but the articles and photographs still refreshingly celebrate accomplishment and the political side of being a political animal. Merkel was awarded this honour months before but the ceremony was on hold, and this was given in recognition of her accomplishments--being the first woman Chancellor and the first from the former DDR among others--without stint and all the talk of Germany's strengths in economics but weakness in international relations and comparisons not remembered until now with Obama's Nobel prize. This website and other reporting that acknowledges the political side of being a politician is a lot like those honours, that works and deeds are independent of party-lines and sour detractors and what can be apolitical. It looked like a lovely day and in the end, as George HW Bush said, one Germany is better than two.

Monday 6 June 2011

invisible hand

More and more people are beginning to realize that those bellows that fed the world economy have dwindling endurance when it comes to long-term forecasts. America is no different than nations labeled on the verge of insolvency that threaten to destabilize the European monetary union, except for the important fact that the US is rotting from the inside out. In municipalities across the US, local jobs and revenue have vanished, partially because of debt and default precipitated by the Housing and Mortgage Crisis that culls less in property taxes and restricts what services local governments are able to support. Without civil salaries to contribute to private economy and without the need for contractual services to supplement the public sector, America will never be able to not only inspire confidence but also have that faith backed by faith and not performance, since there is little opportunity for entrepreneurship either. Compared to the fundamental problems of the jobs market, the idea of the legal debt ceiling seems like an abstract codicil that makes things sound even worse. It is a little less embarrassing than a shut-down, but that the US government is running day-to-day operations, having surpassed its allowable borrowing limit, with accounting tricks, is also not very inspiring.
Faced with the same prospect of sovereign default as Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal, Europe's "local" crises and the US regional market health could seem very similar but that comparison is, I think, superficial. Stewardship of public monies may have been lax and greed turned each government on to the wrong kinds of schemes, and as a result, government services will suffer and are being curtailed. Failure of government to be able to look after the welfare of citizens to the point where taxation becomes oppressive, there is less and in return, and young people are forced to leave home for hope of better employment is tragic and never overstated, but Default and remediation are far less important than keeping peace and prosperity and are far less mortal when there is something behind that veil of national creditworthiness and balance of trade.

Jetzt beginnen Immer mehr Menschen, das die Wirtschaftsmotoren verlieren weiter an Schwungkraft, warzunehmen. Amerika ist nicht anders als jene nationalen Wirtschaften, die der Stabilität der Europäischen Union drohen, außer der Zusammenbruch von innen heraus. Stellen und Umsatzkomponente werden in den Gemeinden im ganzen Land abgebaut, auch weil das Immobilienblase droht. Kommunalverwaltungen verlassen sich auf Vermögenssteuern, und Häuser haben Wert verloren. Ein Dominoeffekt folgt, der die Wirtschaft nicht zu fördern. Ohne beide staatlich und privat Geld kann Vertrauen in American wiederherzustellen. Sicherheit im Arbeitsmarkt kann sich mit Erhöhung dem Neuverschuldung vergleichen, aber es ist für die Regierung peinlich wenn die Ablauf des Alltagsbetriebs halten mit Buchführungstricks am Laufen. Angesichts die selber Staatsschuldenkrise wie Europas ortsspezifischen Problems, an der oberflächlich ähnliche aber strukturell verschiedene Aufgaben nacheinander bearbeitet werden, könnten nun einer ehrlicheren Analyse bedürfen. Der Schutz von öffentlichen Geldern war sehr locker, und Habgier verursachte die falschen Arten von Investitionen. Somit öffentliche Dienste werden verkürz. Der Verlust der Chance für die einträgliche Beschäftigung und bedrückende Besteuerung ist Misserfolg der Regierung. Dieser tragische und wird nie übertrieben, aber Verzug und Wiedervermittlung spielen keine so große Rolle viel als das Halten des Friedens und Wohlstands. Solche Dinge sind viel weniger Sterblicher, wenn es etwas hinter diesem Schleier der nationalen Kreditwürdigheit und des Handelsbilanz gibt.