Thursday 24 December 2009


Some weeks ago, at the kick off to the Christmas season, Saint Nickolaus brought us these great, giant zodiac mugs with our star signs.  I am not a strong adherent of astrology, but as with the curious describtors and biographies printed here, I am always wont to ask, how did they know.  Now if some wandering swami or other type of zodiacal pollster were to ask me what my favourite food is, I probably would not automatically respond "onions and garlic" like the mug says but I feel like that is probably more accurate than any spontaneous answer I would give, especially when H asks me what I want for dinner.  Scorpios generally get a bad reputation, astrologically speaking, and are characterized as cold, jealous and secretive, but that's probably pretty spot on as well.

Wednesday 23 December 2009

schnee und matsch or "cover your brake"

I am very happy that the storm of tee-tiny snow flakes that blanketed this area is dispersing to mush.  It amazes me that when the first heavy snowfall of the year comes around, drivers go into panic-mode, like they've never, ever driven in snow before and let driving rules of engagement slip.  People are less courteous and take more chances in hopes of inching forward, sloppy parking, tossing wet things on car upholstery, driving half-blind from unscraped windows or condensation.  I have done hasty things in the snow that I am not proud to admit to.  I think this new car is quite a little prima donna flashing its fancy complaint that tyre-pressure is too low, whereas I think that is a natural consequence of the laws of Gauss and thermodynamics.  A month ago, I had to take a class for winter driving safety.  I can see myself bumbling around in the mornings like these bundled up unfortuneates, and the video had a catchy admonition while driving in potentially dangerous situations: "Cover your brake."  One should always be prepared to stop well in advance of encroaching danger.  I informed H that road conditions were "amber" yesterday.  I could not say what exactly that meant, however--terrorists on the prowl on the Autobahn.  Always remember, cover your brake.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

laudable ennumerations

Even before the tree has had a chance to dry out and shed its needles or we have had a chance to plan for New Year's, the agents of recognition are out on the prowl, deciding what are the superlatives of this past year, and ten is the standard unit, even if it takes some reaching and duplication to come up with that many.  Top 10 movies, top 10 economic stories, top 10 memoriable moments, top 10 disasters, top 10 inventions--and the self-referential bunch, top 10 episodes, top 10 doctor's visits, tops, flops, and other sundries.  In some cases, they are even trying for the whole decade, not the roaring Aughts, but the ten-year span between 1999 and 2009.  It's nice to remember cultural currency but not when it's this fresh.  2010 must be an Aught too.

Friday 18 December 2009

bread & circuses

Almost nightly, I drive past the big tent set up in the Festplatz and I am just astounded by the giant, illuminated hemispheres, hoops, that are part of the support structure for the big top.  I wonder if such things as circuses and carnivals were not exactly left behind in terms of applying technology and generating aesthetical wonderment.  A grubby old disco with a decent sound-system and DJ can be as good as any fancy, sleek establishment, but there are definitely more accessible lighting and pyrotechnic options and arcade effects.  I wonder what progress has been made in the three-ring-arena.  I have not been to a circus in ages, satisfied that they are only good for tragic headlines, wild beasts going amok, and scary clown nightmare fuel, but maybe now there is something more dazzling to see.  I am nearly tempted to go and see the lion-tamer perform on the equivalent of a LED dancefloor.