Wednesday 16 September 2009

rebuke and ridicule

Enjoying extrapolating my own news stories out of a double-quick-time crawl of headlines, I am not so sure what to make of the name-calling and bruised egoes. Apparently in response to Obama voicing his shared-assessment of a performance artist who interrupted a certainly reflexive and self-referential awards ceremony--the president called him a jack-ass, a member of congress called Obama a liar, though not in defense of the performance artist, and was dealt the first official rebuke of the congressional branch. Ever. There's something wanting about the punchline and the delivery, but it is certainly a counter-balance to the un-funny and incredible chrous of fear-mongering that accompanies the headlines. The spectre of socialized medicine, the public option has become so demonized, I wonder what demographic is polled in support of these claims. NHS is a sinister government ministry of euthanasia, so I understand. Public health care in France contributed to the death of Princess Diana. Now illegal immigrants can receive socialized health care... It's a slippery slope to marxism.

Sunday 6 September 2009

the Nagano Parabbit

If I am required to while away the Sunday practicing sophistry and not plagarizing terciary sources, I might as well try to sneak in a posting or two. Thanks for noticing... Apparently, one of the incoming units has stolen (appropriated) the Stone of Scone and adopted it as their mascot. I am not sure what the story is behind this but I imagine that the account above is not far off the mark. It has been resting outside this empty but rennovated building for some weeks now and makes about as much since as any lovable Olympic mascot or PSA-generated spokescreature, like Reddy Kilowatt or Regimental Goat.

Thursday 3 September 2009

the batman

On-line graduate school is interfering with my little blog. For now I will leave you with this morsel from the Daily Telegraph that shows how popular website looked at their inception. Google and Drudgereport have not changed much. Who knew it was once the facebook?

Sunday 30 August 2009

i've got a brand new pair of roller-skates

A few days ago, I purchased a new mini-notebook to replace the trusty but unwieldy computer than I had been lugging around long since it's expected and planned-obsolescence. I think there's a communal sort of shame that pressures one into buying a new computer, as if one is forcing one's old model to perform too long into old age and past when it should be allowed to retire with dignity--like forcing one's own grandmother to earn her keep and subsist off of cat food. Transfering my photograph albums from the old beast to the sleek new one, however, I rediscovered a few things I had forgotten about. One was a short film--actually numbingly and crazy-making long, that was captured six or seven years ago to demonstrate my successful installation and set-up of a micro-spy-camera. The piece is only footage of my ashtray on the windowsill under varying color filters with the snowy night sky in the background--maybe eight minutes in duration. I am sure that this video would become viral and absolutely turn anyone who watches it stark-raving mad, like in that movie, The Ring. So, it's probably best to keep it from the public. Another thing I found was a collection of manhole covers. For some time, whenever I travel somewhere new, I have been taking pictures of unique manhole covers, like this fancy one from Weimar--it does not strike me as a particularly original thing to do but I have enjoyed doing so and getting stares. I just had forgotten that I had bothered to attempt to gather them all in one place before. One should take time to ply through the archives, once and a while.

Thursday 27 August 2009


I came home today to find a rather lengthy note in the letter box. My neighbor had written a touching tract--all in English, mind you, about the passing of Ted Kennedy. She was sorry for this loss and recalled how her parents were moved by the JFK assassination. It was very sweet of her to take the time to write such a note, and made me feel ashamed that I had not taken the time to reflect on his passing. Politics is an ugly game, and surely Kennedy was hobbled by some underhanded dealings through the years, but one should take the opportunity to appreciate what some of these larger-than-life personalities can accomplish. Surely Ted Kennedy was working toward the greater good. The note was written, incidentally, on the reverse of President Obama's email directed to supporters--which in the past few days have been criticised as spam

Sunday 23 August 2009

news you can use

Apparently, the swine flu has hopped species again, in a rather disturbing trend from pigs to humans to poultry--just turkey for now, I think. We both are supposed to be study orphans today, but I've been thinking about catastrophy. I would not want to worry H, since he's very excited about going to the States in late September as am I. Forecasts of doom put things in perceptive, albeit a skewed one, and sort makes worrying about hotel reservations and the price of tea in China seem rather irrelevant. It does not put a damper, however, on the fun of planning.