Friday, 28 October 2011
marco, polo

catagories: ๐, ๐, ๐ง , economic policy, foreign policy, labour, lifestyle
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
geldpolitik or punch & judy

catagories: ๐ฆ๐ฉ, ๐ฉ๐ช, ๐ช๐บ, ๐ฌ๐ง, economic policy, labour, networking and blogging
Monday, 17 October 2011
omicron, omega
Did you know that the Greek letters omicron and omega just mean little-o, big-o respectively? Euro notes and coins bear both Latin and Greek script, which I believe is a piquing reminder of the mutual glossing that may have been behind the monetary union. Since the Maastricht Treaty, no one wanted to exclude any established members of the old or new Europe, regardless of the maturity of their economies and markets, and I do not believe that Greece and other nations unilaterally covered-up their fiscal health and talked their way into membership.
I am sure that to a large extent, against warnings of economists and analysts that saw at the time weaknesses, hyperbole and litotes, that such obstacles were overlooked towards the formation of a more perfect union, and not a German or a French hegemony or a north, south schism. It parallels the lesson unlearned with the economic collapse fuelled by the housing bubble, which with exuberance oversold the properties market to all and sundry on the hopes that value would keep increasing. I have great hopes for the euro and the ideas behind it still--including the absolute solvency of each country’s financial systems without respect for outside shaming and subjective ratings, should it not lead to overarching micro-management of each country’s affairs or usher in conservative governments that undo the social and equitable fabric of its constituents, but I do think that one aspect that this vision elided over was that of competition and customers. Within a bloc of currency, it is hard for one country, maintaining its standard of living and government support, to compete with another, more advanced in manufacturing. It is that competitiveness that will lead to recovery and growth, and not an outsider's idea of discipline or scope of government responsibility. The average shopper, I do not think, would forgo price or quality (or his or her own sense of protectionism) to seek out Greek, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese goods to fan their solidarity. The money-changers (nummularium) did a brisk business across borders, as well, and within Europe, we are our own best trading-partners.
catagories: ๐ช๐บ, ๐ฌ๐ท, ๐ฌ, economic policy
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
While I do not believe that the American people are an apathetic lot, I do believe there has been an institutionalization of the mechanisms that rob people's appetite for protest and a general swath of demotivation.
catagories: ๐ฌ๐ง, ๐บ๐ธ, economic policy, networking and blogging, revolution
Sunday, 2 October 2011
wallet inspector or nickel-and-dimed
Rarely I think new policies are introduced without calculated unpopularity, and I think that this is the case with the announcement of one of the biggest banks of America (recursively named) that it will begin charging its customers a nominal monthly convenience fee for using their point of sale debit cards.
catagories: ๐ง , America, economic policy
Thursday, 29 September 2011
negative reinforcement or forever blowing bubbles
catagories: ⚕, ๐ช๐บ, America, economic policy, environment, food and drink
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
basta and geldpolitik
catagories: ๐ช๐บ, ๐ง , economic policy, foreign policy
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
rettungsschirm or golden parachute
As the banking principalities and condominiums across Europe scramble to prevent a broad loss of faith and strengthen a united front when it comes to the membership or rich and poor participants, the Swiss have quietly made a significant change to their monetary policy and a concession of a measure of their independence.
catagories: ๐ช๐บ, economic policy
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
catagories: ๐ฅธ, America, economic policy, foreign policy, holidays and observances, labour, revolution, Star Wars
Sunday, 4 September 2011
cloverfield 8
FACT: The nebulous and unseen primordial force of nature that destroys New York City (Cloverfield) in the film is actually a rampaging giant Liz Taylor.
catagories: ๐บ๐ธ, ๐ฌ, ๐, economic policy
Friday, 2 September 2011
gold doubloons and pieces-of-eight
catagories: economic policy
Friday, 19 August 2011
manifest destiny

catagories: America, economic policy, foreign policy
Thursday, 11 August 2011
minced oath or london bridge

catagories: ๐ฌ๐ง, ๐บ๐ธ, economic policy, labour, revolution
Friday, 5 August 2011
catagories: ๐ฉ๐ช, ๐ช๐บ, ๐บ๐ธ, economic policy, labour, revolution
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
sisyphus or the united states of austerity
The American economy, industry and stability has ventured into very uncertain territory. After the enduring the battle of the wills that nearly resulting in a suspension of government services and furlough, I kind of lost interest in the posturing and mime that pushes the crisis but affect no real positive good. Some have described the atmosphere in Washington as bellicose, and though the work of exercizing democracy is not meant to be neat and courtly and hard decisions face America, it seems that the will and welfare of the people is not what's being won by all these histrionics and summoned rage.
catagories: America, economic policy, labour, revolution
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
evasive maneuvers
catagories: America, economic policy
Monday, 11 July 2011
odious debt

catagories: ๐ฉ๐ช, ๐ช๐บ, ๐บ๐ธ, economic policy
Thursday, 30 June 2011
greece is the word or meanwhile back at the academy
I think maybe the coverage--what there is of the protests and plight compared to the media attention for protests in the Middle East and North Africa but it is different kind of challenge to voice dissent and risk portraying the banking Pantheon in a negative light, especially when the media has already confirmed its allegiance to state and business--emerging on the Greeks is too biased and made too complex to allow it to be judged by mortals. Abstracted commitments are not realities and neither are they commitments to pensioners, the poor and the aspiring. Shirking ones negotiated rules of conduct leads to chaos and Greece, as an organization and national, sovereign body, should not be excused or rewarded for failing to manage their money, but the populace should not be made to pay for untold avarice, less than transparent salesmanship and unrelenting coercion to play by the rules on the part of politicians and lobbyists. Like with other enterprises adjudged too big to fail, maybe the way of the Greeks is also a game of kicking the can--down the road and only a calculated, delaying tactic—-poised to price Greek real assets, dignity and even cultural heritage at bargain rates. Spooked, by Greece’s fall into receivership, the markets and mechanism will be aligned for another cycle of bailouts.
Es sieht so aus, als weicht Griechenland in Medienunternehmen den Ermessen vom Normalsterblichen aus. Zuallererst, gibt nur sehr wenig Informationen รผber die Misere und Protestaktion im Vergleich zu รgypten oder Tunesien aus Angst vor den schrecklichen Konsequenzen erzรผrnend den Bankinggรถtter. Finanziellen Aufwanden sind anders als realen Notwendigkeiten; sie sind weder nicht gleich Verpflichtungen gegenรผber ihr Rentner, die Armen und der aufstrebenden Personen. Verantwortungslosigkeit darf nicht belohnt werden, aber dann mรผssen der Bevรถlkerung also alle fรผr die politischen Fehler bรผรen. Gier, falsche Darstellung und Gruppenzwang machen den Preis zu wissen unmรถglich. Was ist zu bedeutsam, um zu scheitern--wie Greichenland--vielleich ist ein Ballspiel, nur Verzรถgerungstaktik--ein Schachzug, um der Erlรถsrรผckgang bei Liegenschaften, Wรผrde und sogar Kulturschรคtzen Greichenlands zu bringen. Diese Zwangsverwaltung sorgte fรผr Panik unter den Schuldverschreibungen, und das Ergebnis dieser Kalkรผl ist nur mehr Runden von Beihilfsaktions.
catagories: ๐ฌ๐ท, economic policy, labour
Monday, 27 June 2011
artful dodger
catagories: America, economic policy
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
As the spectre of default and more financial straits loom for Greece, Germany has undertaken some demanding roles (EN/DE), though commensurate with their overall economic influence, to rescue Greece and the European common currency.

catagories: ๐ช๐บ, ๐ฌ๐ท, economic policy, labour, revolution