With a television career that spanned nearly all of the history of the medium, both in front of and behind the camera as the first woman to produce a sitcom, advocate and actor Betty Marion White, born this day in Oak Park, Illinois in 1922, left us just a few weeks shy of her one-hundredth birthday. Appearing first on radio programmes in the late 1930s, White’s work in the industry covered a remarkable ten decades.
Monday, 17 January 2022
thank you for being a friend
Saturday, 1 January 2022
space music
Begun a decade earlier as a three-hour-long radio programme featuring contemplative, ambient music with a selection of classical, Celtic, electronic and experimental genres airing late nights in the Berkley-area hosted by “Timotheo” (Stephen Hill) and “Annamystic” (Anna Turner), Hearts of Space entered syndication of National Public Radio on this day in 1983 and is still going strong, with over thirteen hundred transmissions (episodes) in their archives. The longest-running show of its type, each instalment signs-off with “Safe journeys, space fans—wherever you are.”
Sunday, 19 December 2021
schwibbogen: a look at Germany’s Erzgebirge’s Christmas decorative arts traditions—see also
lakshmi-narayan: a looted sculpture returned to Nepal becomes a god again
wind in your sails: a giant kite will pull a ship across the ocean in a demonstration project to cut emissions
all songs considered: NPR’s Bob Boilen’s recommended listening from the past year
farmscrapers: advances in hydroponics and robot-assisted harvesting are making vehicle crop-growing a reality
wysiwyg: Anna Mills on her typography and creative outlook
carry on regardless: the comic language pf Professor Stanley Unwin
god rest you merry, gentlemen: the comma in this carol makes us wonder about punctuation
Monday, 13 December 2021
pearls before swine
An investigation into sudden-onset meat allergies comes full-circle with the recognition of a particular sugar called Alpha GAL that can cause intolerance for some and results in in an expansion of organ-donor base for others raises some thorny philosophical questions for us, cheerleaders, the lonely survivor and commodifying dissenters alike airing our objections over the brashest of enthusiasm for progress.
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
dress rehearsal: for a quarter of a century, an individual attended his own funeral
dominical letters: how the artificial unit of the week came to govern our lives—see also
carceral publications: a collection of US prison newspapers
yes or no questions: celebrate the conclusion of Futility Closet’s eight plus year run with a final episode of lateral thinking puzzles
hvorugkynsnafnorรฐ: despite progress in the choices for human naming conventions, the Icelandic governing body for horses is still highly gendered
regenerative medicine: researchers develop “xenobots” capable of biological self-replication—via Waxy
amigone: aptly named mortuary services—via Super Punch
Saturday, 13 November 2021
uap: an interview with former US DoD head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme says that “Tic-Tac” craft have been observed by the navy for decades
dutch angle: dramatic tilt in cinematography

p68/dulcimer: a prototype of the iPod—which celebrated its twentieth birthday last month—via Twisted Sifter
subjective distance: more on the ordering of adjectives and the unwritten rules of language—see previously
quesos y besos: a soft goat cheese from Spain beat out many contenders to be awarded the top prize for the annual World Cheese Awards
shoulder-surfing: a patent to discourage lookie-loos with a screen blur for those without the proper headgear and glasses—via Slashdot
discopter: Alexander Weygers patented the design for the first UFO flying vehicle decades before the craze in sightings and visitations
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
fought and sold: the evolution of military recruitment advertising campaigns
modern classics: in the vein of abstract vintage paperback cover art, eighty-four works of literature as postage stamps
sleight of hand: objects from the Ricky Jay collection—more here, via Things Magazine
20/20/20: revisiting a retrospective of the work of Afrofuturist Bodys Isek Kingelez
every time they hear der bingle croon: episode two of Radiolab’s Mixtape miniseries explains why early entertainment was live and not Memorex
america’s moveable fighting man: new G.I. Joe action figures available for pre-order
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
play misty for me
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
anamorphosis: a sixteenth century optical illusion in a work by Hans Holbein the Younger
๐ง: the first episode on the Weirdness of Water, presented by the Curious Cases of Rutherford & Fry
uncharted: the region in Greece that was historically so inaccessible it was named Agrafa, literally off the maps—via Messy Messy Chica people’s archive of sinking and melting: artefacts documenting the climate crisis
odonym: a suite of applications to explore the toponymical decisions behind street names—see also
fiat geld: origins of the trillion dollar coin
spice like us: the geopolitics of nutmeg informed by its reputed efficacy against the plague
Monday, 18 October 2021
lying awake intent at tuning in on you
Originally recorded by songwriter Bruce Woolley and the Camera Club—featuring Thomas Dolby on keyboard, the follow-on version performed by the synth-pop group the Buggles, released a month prior as the debut single from their first studio album The Age of Plastic, the foundational, nostalgic hit, influenced by the music of Kraftwerk and inspired by memories of covertly listening to Radio Luxembourg late at night, topped the UK charts this week in 1979. The accompanying music video, first aired on Top of the Pops, went on, just after midnight on the first day of August 1981, to mark the beginning of MTV’s broadcasting run.
Friday, 15 October 2021
development hell
The Maximum Fun podcasting network (previously) has been hosting a block party this week to introduce the neighbours—that is, new programming adjacent to the shows that one already listens to discover new content and expand one’s listenership, helpfully recommending crossing-over points and places with easy egress for those unfamiliar with the programme’s content and approach.
Already feeling over-subscribed, I am reluctant to add more shows but was always about Dead Pilots’ Society—see also here and here—whose premise is to unearth spec scripts for sit-coms and procedurals that were never produced and give them a proper table-read with a cast of professional actors and stand-ups. One stellar point of entry is episode twenty from 2017 that covers the bizarre pitch from writer Rob Schrab for Jetpackula performed with the talents of Patton Oswalt, Sujatat Day and Constance Wu about a has-been graphic novel illustrator whom befriends a vampire from the future, which was ultimately deemed too expensive to create. Check it out at the link above.
Thursday, 7 October 2021
shock theatre
With the debut of the syndicated package of made-for-television monster movies after a few minor roles in a Western series—one being an undertaker—on this day in 1957 in the Philadelphia market, John Zacherle (*1918 - †2016) began a decades’ long career as a horror host, editing a pair of anthologies of ghost stories plus penning a few monster novelty songs. Often filling in for his colleague and fellow Philadelphian broadcaster Dick Clark when touring, Zacherle was the substitute MC for American Bandstand. As a promotional stunt to mark his move to New York, Zacherle staged a presidential campaign in 1960, running as a “cool ghoul” but failing to meet the threshold to get on the ballot in any state. Continuing the same format as Shock Theatre, the interstitial breaks became more and more elaborate with a cast of monstrous characters and branched out into a few motion picture parts as well as hosting a cartoon variety hour and adolescent dance show in New Jersey called Disc-O-Teen. Through the seventies and eighties, Zacherle was a Prog Rock disk-jockey and in an array of b-movies. His success and notoriety helped his niece Bonnie Zacherle develop and successfully pitch her 1982 toy line, My Little Pony—the horror.
Friday, 1 October 2021
highly irregular
Via the always engrossing 99% Invisible, we are introduced to the poem “The Chaos” penned by Dutch teacher and travel writer Gerard Nolst Trenitรฉ under the the pseudonym Charivarius (see also) in 1920 as a part of a broader commiseration and discussion on the mongrel nature of the English language and the challenges that poses for new learners. An excerpt of the rather epic length work begins:
Studying English pronunciation,
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse.
Ending thus with the emblematic, problematic words italicised:
Finally: which rhymes with “enough,”
Though, through, plough, cough, hough, or tough?
Hiccough has the sound of “cup”…
My advice is—give it up!
cultured: beautiful Petri dish art (see also) from Dasha Plesen
tax centinels: protesting college students conspired to create “penny famines” across the US in the late 1930srediffusion: the Thames Television archives—via Things magazine
fat bear bracket: follow the celebration of survival and success with Katmai’s nature preserve ursine residents—via Hyperalleric’s Required Reading
the thing on the fourble board: a 1948 episode of the radio programme Quiet, Please! is considered to be one of the scariest broadcasts ever
bisection: the spiralling figural sculpture of Isabel Miramontes
frustule: the rich diversity of diatoms illustrated in an 1890 volume
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
conspicous calculation
Addressing the lexical weight of numeracy and the outsized weight we attribute to it as we do with all jargon from coding to spellbinding, we really enjoyed the panel discussion between host Helen Zaltzman and guest Professor Stephen Chrisomalis featured on the latest episode of the Allusionist on numbers and notation.
We especially appreciated the disabusing reminders about bias, audience and the recent dominance of Indo-Arabic numerals (see also) and the vestigial systems, like Roman numerals, that accord prestige and the fact that I, V, X, L, C, D, M were not immutable from Antiquity until now with medieval abbreviations sometimes reflecting the Latin name or using Claudian letters and that the symbols were never meant to denote centum or mille but rather that half X is V and half C is L, and so on.Monday, 30 August 2021
headgear: Languagehat is no longer neglecting the latter portion of its remit
on seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful april morning: a pair of short stories from Rysuke Hamaguchi adapted for film
aggregate accessory fruit: the curious, circuitous route of the misnamed garden variety strawberry
like astrology for businessmen: a look at the Myers-Briggs personality test
strokenteelt: see strip cultivation at work in the Netherlands
erm: a discussion on intonation and a hummed “I don’t know”
Thursday, 5 August 2021
event horizon: unlike planets or stars, the size of black holes are not limited by physical constraints
peg and pulley: a compelling argument to revive the cross-building washing line—via Pasa Bon!
alien dreams: uncannily creative art from AIs—via Waxybertilak de hautdesert: a highly recommended retelling of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight—see previously
the greater fool theory: also called survivor investing, on the origins of value, margin calls and fiat currency—see previously
thirteen things: a truly outstanding round-up from a fellow internet caretaker, including an indoor-outdoor bath tub on rails, pineapple cheese and a chameleon tape-measure
intercluster medium: a galaxy-sized cloud of gas out floating in splendid isolation
Saturday, 31 July 2021
vintage obscura

catagories: ๐, ๐ถ, networking and blogging
Thursday, 29 July 2021
stamina potion
Directed towards an engrossing economics side-quest to ponder from NRP’s Planet Money, we learn how a cadre of rather ingenious individuals, to stave of the worst effect of a collapsing national currency and exponential inflation which strips money of one of its defining pillars as a store of value, to farming for computer game gold, since collecting and trading those virtual coins for primarily euro or US dollars was at a far better rate of exchange than the bolรญvar soberano and paid a better wage. Choosing the MMORPG (massively multiplayer on-line role-playing game) platform of Old School RuneScape because of its low bar to access, straightforward and relatively easy to play (especially for repetitive, income-generating tasks) and would run on older computers and not be too data intensive, their activity (not allowed according to house rules, selling to third-parties, but can’t really be stopped) has drawn supporters sympathetic to their real world plight and detractors complaining of encroachment and how it skews the in-game economy.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
turner d. century
A minor super-villain (see also here and here) that first appeared as Spider Woman’s nemesis in a December 1980 issue of the comic, the alter-ego of Clifford F. Michaels’ formative backstory has the character adopted by a wealthy business tycoon for whom his biological father was chauffeur and valet, the benefactor responsible for rebuilding much of San Francisco after the 1906 Earthquake but was displeased with the moral turpitude and vice that emerged from the rubble.
The magnate attempted to launch a campaign to restore manners and mores to what they had been at the fin de siรจcle but failed and so sheltered himself and surrogate son from the degeneracy and idealise the past with the dress and affectations of a gentleman in 1900. Raging against progress and change with toxic nostalgia, Century tried depopulating the city in various ways in order to start fresh with society (possibly with wax figures as substitutes for actual residents) including a hypersonic weapon, flame-throwing umbrella and magic time horn that kills people under sixty-five (like high-pitched nuisance feedback that only young people can hear). Century’s plans were thwarted and the character killed off finally in 1986, along with a slew of other second tier criminals that needed to be culled from the Marvel paracosm, by vigilante assassin Scourge of the Underworld.