Friday 16 June 2017

what's that, flipper? timmy fell down a k-hole?

Controversially and perhaps dubiously, via Dave Log v 3.0, we discover that a group of marine biologists in the mid- to late-1960s (interestingly corresponding with the run of the television series referenced in the title) studying the cognitive abilities of dolphins were inspired to give the dolphins small doses of LSD to determine if that mind-expanding experience might be enough to break the language barrier, as it were, and facilitate communication between humans and the clever cetaceans.
Led by trained psychoanalyst Jon C Lilly, who in addition to being a close confident of Allen Ginsberg and Timothy Leary was already known for having developed the sensory deprivation tank and as a founding member of SETI (provisionally called the Order of the Dolphins for his battery of experiments), the aquatic mammals were carefully administered the psychoactive drugs as an alternative to invasive and potentially harmful brain probes. Unfortunately, these trials did not result in an immediate and comprehensive cultural exchange between the species (although there is word of a romantic tryst) and funding was eventually pulled, but no harm came of it and dropping acid did make the dolphin-participants much more vocal and chatty and even helped one member of the pod overcome his fear of human interaction and informs our notion of consciousness and being self-aware as well as respect for animal kind.


Charmingly, Nag on the Lake shares these recipe placards previewed in partnership with IKEA Canada. After arranging the ingredients according to the instructions (in the Nordic furniture purveyor’s signature style), the recipe can be popped into the stove too, being printed on parchment paper with edible ink.

social studies

Thanks to TYWKIWDBI for educating us in the cognitive bias described formally in 1999 known as the Dunning-Kruger effect (not to be confused with the Voight-Kampff test—she doesn’t even realise she’s a replicant) pertaining to incompetent persons suffering from delusions of grandeur.
Due to their aversion or inability for metacognition (thinking about thinking or simply self awareness), they self-assess as surpassingly qualified, despite lacking critical skill-sets. Secure and unaware, the most pervasive manifestation are those who over-estimate their driving abilities, raging that fellow motorists have no right to share the road or as laughably doltish criminals, which are fairly harmless. Hubris, however, can be a very dangerous thing, especially when the over-zealous and over-confident are aggrandised.

Thursday 15 June 2017


Though this moveable feast of Corpus Christi is not technically a national holiday observed in every German state, on this ecumenical jubilee year (DE/EN) that marks the five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting the ninety-five theses on the door of the royal chapel of Wittenburg, all Germans are accorded all the observances. Bavaria (where we live) has the most liberal public holiday schedule with thirteen, minus Reformation day, and other states granting fewer ranging from nine to twelve (like Hessen, where I work). Affording all holidays to everyone is a symbolic way to counter sectarianism as a few observances are markedly celebrated or disdained to the envy of neighbours clearly along historical Catholic or Evangelical majority territories.