Thursday 13 August 2020

roaring twenties

In order to promote the national chain of cinemas reopening later this month, the US-based entertainment group hopes to attract throngs with the throw-back pricing of a century ago with tickets set at 15¢ a piece for the day.
About one-sixth of venues are set to welcome in the public and perhaps theatres can once again accommodate audiences safely and we sympathise with other operations that one has to scale for reduced capacity that was not built into their business scheme, though this does not seem to be the way to do it responsibly. Apparently rather than being driven by the assessment of public health experts, it was pushed by the topic of the previous post. What with the failed efforts to reopen earlier and all the grubby nickels and dimes changing hands, I think that this script for this marketing ploy was written by the virus and apparently is playing favourably to test audiences.