Monday 6 January 2020

totem guide

Via the always engaging Friend of the Blog, Nag on the Lake, we are invited to learn more about the rich cultural traditions and customs of the Haida Nation of the Haida Gwaii (Xaaydaga Gwaay.yaay) archipelago of British Columbia through this custom set of emoji that created by indigenous artist Jaalen Edenshaw, renowned the world over for his incredible totem poles, ritual masks and other native art, whose study and talent inform and inspire these new glyphs and engender interest in this severelt endangered though reviving language (see also here, here and here). Edenshaw‘s extended, creative family have devoted their careers to preserving and promoting their heritage including Gwaii Edenshaw who made the first Haida language feature film and artist Guujaaw (Eric Edenshaw), folk singer and political activist. Much more to explore at the links above.