Tuesday 7 May 2019

art of the title

Via an art round-up (with more choice curations to explore) from Super Punch, we are introduced to ad man and award-winning titleist Georg Elliott Olden (*1920 - †1975).
As the grandson of an enslaved individual from Birmingham, Alabama Olden did not conform to the Mad Men stereotypes of corporate design during the Golden Age of Television and played an influential role in shaping the fledgling medium, starting to work with CBS in 1945 at a time before other African Americans pioneers began making the slow but steady progress towards more equitable treatment, inclusion and acceptance.
Also a prolific postage stamp designer, Olden’s submission was chosen to commemorate the centenary of the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order delivered by Abraham Lincoln on New Year’s Day 1863—which Olden unveiled with President Kennedy at a White House ceremony. Find out more about Georg Olden from his American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) biography and explore a gallery of his commissions at the link above.