Saturday 21 January 2017

thumbs up or speculation is 20/20

Apparently already thoroughly disgusted with the prospects for world peace and prosperity for the next four years, political augurs are already prognosticating a candidacy for US president on the part of a major social media network founder, whose been rather coy about putting out feelers—at least in their interpretation.
The media billionaire (who’ll be barely of legal age by 2020 to hold the office) is embarking on a tour to engage with people in all fifty states of the Union—which sounds like something an aspiring politician would do—to help all people finding meaning and authenticity in interconnectivity, which also sounds sufficiency rousing. It’s a little soon—maybe, but what do you think? I don’t think that the face of Facebook is exactly the antidote and antithesis to what America is awakening to presently—and the site and the cultural norms it has fostered are certainly not of unimpeachable character, no matter how reflective that they are of us. Perhaps by the time the campaign season begins, it will be a super-human act to refrain from glancing at one’s cheering section and only one who is already acquainted with the dirty laundry and the skeletons in one’s closets might be able to practise restraint and thus appear weirdly disciplined and relatable.