Sunday 7 September 2014

overheard or something's rotten in the state of denmark

During the weekend's NATO summit in Wales, at least one member state publicly reserved her judgment, wanting to defer any driven decision-making so that better informed heads might prevail. It was the subject of much derision for the Czech government to demand further, independent investigation into the predominate characterisation about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
It may not be so straightforward as the media portrayal that's the confirmation of consuming fears and consummate heroism, the president demurred, citing self-surety of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction destruction proving not so incontrovertible in the end. Another representative went so far as to ridicule that the Czech Republic might want to consult its intelligence apparatchik, if it had one. I do not think the protest of the Czech government was lost on its audience, since the presiding secretary-general was eleven years ago, as the prime-minister of Denmark, a vocal supporter of Iraqi-Attacky II, exclaiming that there were WMDs—it's true. In all fairness, a lot of people were likewise duped and even more vehement about it.  Vikings are the progenitors of the people of Denmark, although the term never referred to a tribe or ethnogenesis but was rather the infinite form of a verb—vikรญng, to go on (overseas) expeditions. I certainly hope that such exchanges do not prevision the return of Cold War tensions and that NATO could be a power for good—however, it is rather an uncomfortable fact that had NATO not tried to push its envelop eastward and court Ukraine, Russia probably would not have responded apparently in-kind.