Thursday 3 April 2014


Germany has called a special commission in order to hopefully seriously investigate the surveillance activities of the USA and the UK, and perhaps most importantly, German complicity in the process. One rallies for outrage with a tremolo-heroism but perhaps most realised that this was always the case and the wages of the modern world, whether willingly or otherwise, despite however one might feel about his or her situational-awareness as compared to the lolling public.
If faith was neither granted nor stinted or even comes as a surprise is a question for the individual, mostly dependent upon convenience and voluntary disclosure. An artificial mystique (though a code easily broken yet infinitely adaptable) of allegory and spindled metaphor has developed to augment and improve insider-messaging, which can be accessed by outsiders still. Concurrently, however, comes the revelation that the revelation that German was also the base for a sort of extraordinary rendition (the speed of light does not out-strip national jurisdictions). A satellite installation of Ramstein not only monitored the continent of Africa but also the whole world around. Though such studiousness is typical, I do not think such behaviour is as ultimately productive as protocols, or consignment, suggests.