Friday 7 December 2012


We managed to free the old hand-me-down artificial, office Christmas tree from that storage closet that we lost the keys to just in time for the party. It did make the gathering a bit more festive and bright, but it looks positively bleak and overly contemplative there alone in the stairwell. We moved it out there from the conference room so others might enjoy it.

I felt a little sad for it, afraid it might throw itself down those four storeys. I suspect it knows it is an office tree by now, called a seasonal tree depending on the fashion and maybe during some years, not displayed at all, to be jammed unceremoniously back in the cabinet, tangled and with other junk stacked on top of it, not having been the centerpiece of any hearth or home nor focus of families, not needing to be trimmed with ornaments nor host to a gift exchange--our traditional White Elephant game has been a catered affair out of the office--just needing to be dusted off and plugged in. I will be able to enjoy it and look at it, though, when I look up from my desk into that weird and spacious breezeway over the landing on our floor, at least, and maybe the odd visitor will too. It nice how such old artefacts that need no upgrading but are rediscovered and reintroduced to their places are fast and old friends.