Thursday 9 June 2011

for a gin and for a snare

With all the negative publicity that the lowly cucumber has been unfairly the brunt of and all the vegetable kingdom round, one might take the time to appreciate the idea of the garnish. It is surely shunned and revialed now, like a dental-retainer on the dinner table or some old chewing gum underneath it with the E. Coli epidemic still unsettled. This old Scottish bootleg distiller, Hendricks' (for what self-respecting and storied blender of Scotch would own up to a gin-joint on the side), makes its gin in an atmosphere of old roses and cucumbers, with a lot recipes to boot.  Besides, the alcohol would kill any stray germs.    Their website--and a good drink is not something that can just be beamed over the Internets--has a host of clever animations--reminiscent, I think, of Monty Python or Jib Jab, trivia, and oddities perfect for roquefort cheese.