Released on this day in 1974, with its title derived from the subway train’s radio call-sign, the downtown number 6 express originating from Pelham Bay Park station at 1:23, the hostage thriller by Joseph Sargent and Peter Stone, based on the eponymous novel from the year prior was acclaimed by critics and audiences alike. Starring Walter Matthau, four men in disguise ransom the passengers, eighteen hostages, demanding a sum of one million dollars be delivered or in an hour lest one will be killed every minute that handover is delayed. The score by David Shire (Saturday Night Fever, All the President’s Men) was also lauded for its inventive nature. Most of the filming took place at the abandoned Brooklyn Court Street station, the location of several movies including Death Wish, The French Connection and the 2009 remake and later becoming the Metropolitan Transit Authority Museum, the MTA at first not cooperating with the production as it reflected badly on city governance and retired that particular call-sign. The colour-coded ransomers names is paid tribute in Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs.
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one year ago: the dissolution of the Papal States (with synchronoptica)
seven years ago: Catalonian session
eight years ago: the debut of Peanuts, Trump cashes a cheque, the etymology of culprit, assorted links to revisit plus Miss Cora Gated
eleven years ago: Swiss war-games plus more on the US surveillance state
thirteen years ago: banking elsewhere plus exposing Brussels lobbyists