traitor tots: Musk’s merry band of pickpockets and the corporate raids behind the Putsch and purge
temper tantrum: extinction burst behaviour is one accounting of the ascendancy of MAGA intolerance
fifty-first: Trudeau warns Trump is serious about annexing Canada—insultingly offering it statehood before Puerto Rico and DC
isolation mode: after three decades, Baltic nations are switching to the EU power grid, getting off the Russian network
nosotromo: the high school play adaptation of Alien
endless jeopardy!: hourly answers, honours go to the best, most creative questions—via Waxy
expo 67: revisiting centenary celebrations in Montreal—see previouslyre-apartheid: Trump administration launches volley of complaints against South Africa, cutting of foreign aid and promote the “resettlement of of Afrikaner refugees”
center for the performing arts: Trump declares himself chairman of the Washington, DC cultural institution and dismissing board members who disagree with his taste unencrypted mass email to CIA operatives offering them the chance to resign may have compromised the agents’ identifies with serious counterintelligence concerns
federal communications commission: Trump threatens to shut down the CBS television network, calls for the firing of journalists critical of the administration and for doxxing one of Musk’s minions
one year ago: vintage hotel luggage tags (with synchronoptica) plus a banger from Billy Ocean
eight years ago: assorted links worth revisiting plus augmented metrics
nine years ago: the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s charter, neologisms and nomonyms plus the Lunar New Year
ten years ago: LARPing at large plus more links to enjoy
eleven years ago: targeted political advertisement, Russian ban on genetically modified foods plus sugar-based batteries