Courtesy of Ms Cellania, we are afforded the opportunity to to catch up on our intrepid science presenter Ze Frank (see previously) with his surprise invitation to join the taxonomical committee of Frankfurt’s Senkenberg Ocean Species Alliance and his humorous tour (to find out if the offer was legitimate or a hoax) of the facility with an introduction to its scientific mission to describe and catalogue the overwhelming understudied forms of life under the waves. Frank will serve on the committing naming newly discovered species and certainly brings a lot to the table and reminded us of this impressive oratory feat in classifying the sea shell of North American beaches.
one year ago: The Final Countdown (1986—with synchronoptica)
seven years ago: a private spy network, medical marijuana in Italy plus the philosophy of ikigai
eight years ago: the Chรขteau d’Aubiry plus repurposing love-locks
nine years ago: รsop’s Fables
eleven years ago: non-English tongue twisters, Snowden’s home town plus infographic native advertising