Thursday 6 May 2010

shahzad! or Attack on the Rue Plumet

There are reports that the would-be car-bomber of Times Square had been on the US government's radar since 1999, listed as a person-of-interest on a so called travel lookout list--I suppose things were named more innocently before there was an entity known as the Department of Homeland Security with vested powers to disappear people.  If Jean Valjean had been an accused terrorist, I suppose Inspector Javert would have never caught him, even after twenty years on the run as a fugitive from justice.


"Boomerang, toomerang, zoomerang!" as Lady Elaine would say.  I think a puppet theater would make much better talking heads than the usual fare.  Greece has been courting a lot of attention lately, as if it's been neglected and ignored and acting-out is settling for some kind of notice.  I think politicians and economists are missing some important fundamentals: Greece is not broke or broken--rather the Greek government is, and though it has done a pretty shabby job as a euro custodian, there is still wealth and value there.  Sovereign default is not anything new--Dubai just did so a few scant months ago and it's forgotten and no one is shedding a tear over them; Argentina and Russia did during the last decade and Asia before that.  Consequences were there but without a currency bolstered by a big bloc.  What I think should be more center-ring is the revolt of the Greek people and Germany's begrudging lend-lease policy.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


While the US markets guffaw and rejoice over marginal gains at the expense of Greek sovereignty and nascent, crippled good news that's masked by more immediate situations and pressing realities--too fragile to stand up outside of the virtual marketplace, a major environmental tradegy is lapping at US shores and threatens to undo and destabilize, not just this shell-game propped up by shared illusions, contagious histeria of wealth and termity.   What is most serious and most repulsive is difficult to say: the environmental impact on the Gulf of Mexico and the death of a delicate ecosystem, the loss of livelihood for locals that will linger like the spectre of Katrina, the continued ill-preparedness of the US government in mitigating catastrophies, the oil companies' exculpability, the mean-spirited blame-game on ostensibly arguments of political ideology that demeans all other consequences.  At least the groomers and hair-dressers, along with locals who face the mothballing of their business in the meantime and for the foreseen future, are running a drive for down (feathers), hair and trimmings since these leavings are pretty good at sopping up oil.

Sunday 2 May 2010

strange blooms

How does your garden grow?  The geraniums on the balcony and all the greenery survived in our absense, and even the more unusual plants are starting to blossom.  There are two cactuses in the window, one that has these bright red drooping flowers alternating years and this other who sends out bizarre alien feeler antennae.  This other plant lives in a glass Bier MaรŸ and leaves under the soil where daylight can get in. Also every other year, it sprouts weird, little and sticky white flowers.

Saturday 1 May 2010

even old New York was once New Amsterdam

I am just freshly returned from vacation with the whole weekend to recuperate and relax and let the thoughts and memories settle and sort. 
Seeing Istanbul was probably the most exotic exposure I have had, and while I am glad to come back to our little house in a city founded by Charlemagne himself, it amazes me that one can be in the capital of the Ottoman Empire, the capital of the Roman Empire, the seat of the Eastern Orthodox church at lunch time and then back in Unterfranken by mid-afternoon.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

salut de Istanbul

H and I are having a fantastic time in the city. Here is a picture post card view of the Hagia Sofia from the terrace of our hotel.