Sunday 16 October 2016

where are the clowns? there ought to be clowns

As if there weren’t already enough pratfalls in politics to contend with or itches to scratch potentially violently in America with a fully-armed populace confronted with hunters of virtual monsters running across their lawns, a viral phenomenon of scary clowns lurking in the shadows, apropos of nothing, with the express intention of frightening others out of their wits has arisen—and been exported to where ever people might express their gratitude for living in a society of privilege and free from want in such ways. What do you think? Far from agents of social justice nor a group that had not already been established as creepy and menacing, professional clowns are now apparently saying their trade is being besmirched, with prominent spokes-clowns ducking out of the public-eye until this craze passes.

my mate marmite

Though it seems we have narrowly averted what could only be described as Marmageddon with the one of the main grocery chains in the UK and a major, multi-national food producer having reached a compromise on the pricing regimes of its suite of brands after an unstable currency and costs fluctuations threatened to make the country’s beloved (or reviled) breakfast-spread a little harder to obtain, the bigger and mostly unseen problem of overhead, profit-margins, product-placement and price-controls still remain.
Consumers and smaller producers without the leverage (because it’s Unilever, you see) of these titans are still not off the hook. Of course, such dealings are happening all the time and could have occurred regardless of the Brexit outcome—but that contentious milieu only made the negotiations or bullying visible—and the industry turns on the subsidies of Milk Trusts and Egg Councils and the greased recommendations that favour processed foods over more wholesome ones without the influence of vertical monopolies. What do you think? I’ll bet that this isn’t the last spat in the supermarket aisles.

zenith in blue jeans

Following the tradition marketing wisdom of the 1970s, any product could be made better once swathed in denim, as Weird Universe informs, showcasing this limited edition television model called the Sidekick from Zenith. Be sure to visit the website for more details plus a related link to a Gremlin automobile upholstered in Levi’s jeans from around the same time.

Saturday 15 October 2016

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Regardless of how all the reporting seems rather dodgily recursive, leaning on sources that that sit as murky at best (if not deliberate disinformation), I cannot see any reason for the US to announce, advertise plans for retaliatory network strikes against Russia, accusing the Kremlin of meddling in American domestic affairs.
If the Russian government did sponsor the hacking of the Democratic National Committee servers and is the source of Clinton campaign internal communiques being slowly leaked (which still seems debatable with the facts as presented), the US received no notice, no advanced warning. Why would it make its offensive manoeuvres public and directly attributable? Moreover why risk escalation in the name of restoring the reputation of Democracy—which domestic politics has slandered quite well enough on its own and without any foreign intervention? It is not as if US intelligence agents state that their assault will coerce Russia into accords on Syria, but rather, they hope it will aid in strengthening Russia’s press ability to research and report on corruption at the top, and embarrass leaders by exposing their economic ties. Well, knock me over with a feather.

know thy selfie

The always captivating Everlasting Blรถrt directs our attention to brief but informative and thoughtful lesson from PBS on the art history of the selfie with examples of self-portraiture that punctuate the entire time that photography has been with us, and indeed have forwarded the technique and technology. There’s a whole engrossing lecture series of Art Assignments that follow that are all worth checking out.